Contaxカレンダーの為に撮影された写真/ For Contax Calender

I was handed a 35mm CONTAX camera before it was released, and I was requested (by Art Director Takahisa Kamijo) to use this camera to photograph nature in Japan. A calendar was produced based on the photographs I took, and I was told that they planned to hold an exhibition in the Kyocera Contax Salon in Ginza.
Initially, I had used a 35 mm single lens reflex camera, but then I shot with a large camera (4 x 5 inches), such as a Sinar or Linhof etc., or medium-sized Hasselblad (6x6 cm), so when I photographed using a 35 mm camera again, the fact that it was light must have had an effect. It felt as if the 35 mm camera itself had become a part of my body, even though I was not conscious of the presence of the camera itself. It was because this feeling was so dominant that I was able to absorb myself in the subject even without feeling the need to compose myself for the Japanese scene.